Mesin Hot Stamping CNC H150
- Pemuatan manual pada konveyor
- Auto loading into jigs with robot.
- Dust cleaning and pre-registration optional
- All servo driven stamping system: heating plate left right, up down, parts rotation, all driven by
servo motors with CNC functioning.
- Auto unloading.
- Well safety machine closure
- PLC control touch screen display
- Ikhtisar
- Produk-produk terkait
Silinder, elips, persegi, dll Botol, toples, tutup dll
Data teknologi:
Parameter / Model | H150 |
Kecepatan Maks | 30-40 pcs/mnt |
Diameter Produk Maks | 100 milimeter |
Ukuran pelat pemanas | 100 x 150 milimeter |